Category: Uncategorized

Skin Brushing

I believe skin brushing is one of the finest of all baths. No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old. You make new skin every 24 hours on the body. The skin will be as clean as the blood is. Skin brushing removes this top layer….Read more


FASTING To prepare your body for a fast, begin at least a day before by eliminating all stimulants, such as coffee and tea, and all depressants, such as alcohol. Also avoid bread and cooked carbohydrates such as pasta and cereals, and make your last meal of the day a large raw salad of vegetables and…Read more

Why Cleanse?

Cleanses usually concentrate on the removal of debris from the digestive system. A colon filled, or partially filled, with old fecal matter, is a source of poison to the whole system. The colon has walls, which absorb the contents of the colon. Medical practice demonstrates that nourishment injected into the colon will be absorbed rapidly…Read more


WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CLEANSE AND A DETOX:   Cleanse: A first level removal of stagnant, excessive and often thickened buildup. This usually involves significant changes in diet, lifestyle and spiritual disciplines. Cleanses should be precipitated with removal of diet choices that often add to buildup such as dairy products, meat products, refined…Read more