The Feng Shui Way

Bring balance and harmony inside your home by kicking out the clutter, and allow beneficial energy to freely flow throughout your abode. Built-up “clutter creates chaotic energy,” and it blocks fresh energy from being able to enter your rooms, says Susan Levitt, author and feng shui consultant in San Francisco, California. Terah Kathryn Collins, best-selling author and founder of the Western School of Feng Shui, says that it is often the cluttered spots like the garage, pantry, closet, or “junk drawer” that are ignored in your daily life. De-cluttering these areas will decongest your house and restore your household’s health and honor, says Collins. Levitt suggests creating synchronization between you and your home by incorporating feng shui into household habits. Start by removing clutter and thoroughly cleaning to welcome new opportunities. Be sure that the first thing you see when entering your home is “inviting, clean, and inspiring,” says Levitt. And, add beauty with fresh-cut flowers or a healthy plant for additional energy and liveliness. Collins says, “When you honor your environment’s aliveness, recognize its essential connection with the quality of your life, and treat it with tender loving care, it will protect and sustain your growth and movement through life.”

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